Every month a first order ambisonic soundscape recording is done at the nature reserve Vogelinsel / Altmühlsee (close to Muhr am See in Germany). The same spot, the same microphone, direction and mic-hight are used. Each recordings lasts for two hours and starts one hour before sunset. Recordings are done to compare the soundscape over time. Analysis of soundtracks will be used for several parameters. One idea is to figure out wether the climate change influences the soundscape at this spot.
Other spots in nature have been recorded e.g. two spots in the Andes of Chile.
Some of the recordings can be listened to (stereo version) in the database of the Listen(n) project. Select in the upper left menue the location “Vogelfreistaette Flachwasser”.
Head of recording and analysis team: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Pöpel
Recordists: Cornelius Pöpel, Garth Paine, Andreas Uhl, Lukas Schmidt, Luisa Filip, Jamie Lay, Robert Krämer, Claudio Muñoz Pilonitis, Maria von Hösslin.
Analyses by: Andreas Uhl, Luisa Filip, Kathrin Reindl, Daniela Rieger, Lukas Schmidt, Jamie Lay, Claudio Muñoz Pilonitis, Anne Schleicher, Maria von Hösslin.